Changing land.
Our heritage.
Your future.

photo of fields at dusk

The Padley story

The land tells us many stories.
Stories of creation.
Stories of growth.
Stories of constant evolution.

Over the last 60 years, we’ve delivered the land and finance required for all kinds of new residential, commercial and agricultural development.

By taking responsibility for the land, we make certain it is working better for more people, more communities, more businesses.

This is Padley. Since 1959.

The Padley difference


As specialists in managing, promoting and developing land, we can help you realise its commercial value.


With roots in agriculture – including poultry production, vegetable processing and arable farming – we know how best to optimise land value for you.

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We can improve your funding choices by providing a range of financing options.


Being family-owned means we understand, are flexible and can respond quickly and decisively when needed.


We’ve been changing land use since 1959, we know what it takes to make development happen.


With long-standing relationships with trusted partners, we combine integrity with expertise to offer you a complete and bespoke service.

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